Rose Bowl
Synchronized Skating Competition
Hosted by

Deadline to Register: November 8, 2023, at 12:00pm (noon) MT.
The acceptance of late entries is at the discretion of the Section in consultation with the Technical Representative andsubject to available space in the competition schedule.Late entries, if accepted, will be charged a $100 late entry fee per entry or 50% of the entry fee (whichever is greater).
No late entries will be accepted.
No category changes or skater information changes will be accepted after November 22, 2023.
Submit your registration changes using the online form on the AB I NT I NU website.
NEW for 2023-2024 Season - REGISTRATION CHANGE FEE:
For any changes that are required to be made to a registration, there will be a $25 Registration Change Fee applied to all registration changes.
Planned Program(s) must be submitted by November 22, 2023, 12:00pm (noon) MT.
Fee Increase for 2023-2023 Season, Fee charged for not submitting:
There will be a $25 fee per entry for failing to submit Planned Program(s) by Novvember 22, 2023, at 12:00pm (noon) MT.
Planned Program Sheets will NOT be accepted on site.
Synchronized Skating Competition
Hosted by

December 16, 2023
7 Chiefs Sportsplex
19 Bullhead Road
Tsuut’ina Nation, AB
Announcement/Start Orders/Results
Planned Program Content
Planned Program(s) must be submitted by November 22, 2023, 12:00pm (noon) MT.
Planned Program(s) are required for all categories. Planned Program(s) to be submitted a minimum of once per season. If there are any changes made to your planned program, changes must be submitted through your Uplifter account by November 22, 2023 at noon. There will be a $25 fee per segment for failing to register your Planned Program(s) by the deadline date. The invoice will be sent to you through your Uplifter account. Planned Program(s) will not be accepted onsite.
Click here to submit your Planned Program Content.