Registration Process
Do I create the Member account in my name or my skaters name?
We recommend that you create the account in your name and then add your skater(s) as Competitors. We will communicate with the Member's email. If you will be registering only one skater for events, you could create the account in their name.
I have forgotten my password, how do I reset it?
Click on this Forget Password link. Enter your email address that you used to create your account and an email will be sent to you prompting you to reset your password. The registration coordinators can also send you a reset email.
What do I need to add a Competitor profile?
In order to add a competitor, you will need the following information:
- First & Last Name
- Gender
- Birth Date
- 10-Digit Skate Canada Number - please ensure this is the number for the current registered season.
How do I register Pair, Ice Dance or Teams?
Only one entry per Pair/Dance or Team is required. Please refer to the How to Register or Synchro How to Register for specific instructions.
What do I do if the ADD button will not appear when I am registering my competitor?
This is likely because the system is not recognizing the Attending Coach field. Do not copy and paste the coach(es) email address(es) in. The system requires you to type it in. If the coach is in the system, it will recognize the email address and bring back the name of the coach. If they are not in the system, you will be asked to enter their first and last name and then add them to the system.
Music Uploading
What competitions will require music uploads?
Competitors registering for the following competitions will be required to upload their program music as an MP3 file:
- Competitive & Combined Invitationals
- Sectional Championships
- Synchronized Skating Events
- Star Series Competitions
What do I need to upload my music?
In order to upload your music, you will need separate files for your Short and Free Program in an MP3 file format. No other format will be accepted.
Where do I upload my music?
The music files are uploaded as part of the registration process. For competitions requiring music uploads, you will not be able to complete the registration without the music files.
What if I uploaded the wrong piece of music or it has changed?
If the music file you uploaded has changed since registering for the event or was incorrect, you will be able to hand in the correct music when registering on-site. USB memory sticks are only accepted as music back-up. CDs are not accepted. Each skater or team will be
required to carry a copy of their music on USB memory stick and have it available at rink side as backup. A memory stick may contain all programs
the skater is competing in for the competition, however, the programs in the memory stick must be properly labelled to ensure the correct music is played. For example: Jane Doe, Novice Short Program
• USBs must be provided in a Ziploc bag and labelled with the skater’s name and category.
I uploaded my music, do I still need to bring a backup to the event?
Even though you have uploaded music for the event, all competitors are still required to have a backup copy handy at rinkside.